
Great Caliphs of Islam, Unit 1 of SNE English Grade 4

The first section of exercise of Great Caliphs of Islam, Unit 1 of SNE English Grade 4 is about Oral Communication that has been further subdivided in Learning the Sounds and Learning to speak.  Oral Communication of Great Caliphs of Islam, Unit 1 of SNE English Grade 4 The oral communication section of Great Caliphs of Islam, Unit 1 of SNE English Grade 4 has two parts: Learning the Sounds Learning to Speak Learning the Sounds 1. Vowels There are five vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in the English alphabets. These letters produce specific vowel sounds. 2. Vowel Sounds The following words start with a vowel sound. ants elements informed ostrich unknown Activity 1. Read the following words. Write the words beginning with vowel sounds in the given blanks:  Octopus, cloud, sister, envelope, apricot, umpire, trophy Answer octopus envelope apricot umpire Learning to Speak Activity 2. Read the given greeting and fill in the blanks using words from word bank. Yes, we can. I am fine. Thank you! Wa Alai